
Dar los pasos de funcionamiento de la trituradora de cono

Con el progreso de la industrialización en nuestro país, cada vez más maquinaria para la minería se usa con la línea de producción diaria. Trituradora de cono China es una máquina que se utiliza para romper grandes rocas en las rocas de menor importancia, gravas o polvos de roca. Trituradoras de cono se utilizan ampliamente equipos de trituración de piedra, que se ha convertido en un buen ayudante para la industria de la minería y la industria de la construcción. Muchos usuarios no prestan atención a la secuencia de operación en el uso de la trituradora de cono, lo que conduce al cono frecuente fracaso trituradora, poca capacidad de trituración y acortar la duración de la vida. Con el fin de ayudar a más clientes a hacer uso de maximizar de trituradora de cono, Shanghai Joyal Machinery Co., Ltd introducir tipos de trituracion pasos correctos para operar la trituradora de cono en los tres aspectos siguientes.

1. No alimentar a los pasos de trabajo correctamente. Las materias primas deben estar dentro del ámbito de aplicación de los requisitos técnicos de la trituradora de cono, como el tamaño máximo de alimentación ,? que contienen humedad, dureza y así sucesivamente. Materias primas para piensos de manera uniforme para mejorar la trituradora de cono efecto aplastante; Material metálico Remoción en la trituradora de cono, evitar daños a los componentes importantes dentro de la trituradora de cono.

2. ¿la trituradora de cono recto de arranque y parada. Elija el abridor derecho de acuerdo con el cono model.and motor equipo de trituracion seleccionado entonces iniciar y operaciones como instrucciones de parar??; Antes de utilizar el interruptor de cono, es mejor hacer los experimentos de prueba sin carga primero, podemos alimentar a los trituradoras de impacto materiales hasta la trituradora de cono se ejecutan sin problemas; Interrupción debe detenerse antes de materiales de alimentación, podemos parar la trituradora de cono cuando no hay material en el aplastamiento de la cavidad.

3. Diseño de descarga correcta y control regular de la trituradora de cono. Garantizar la boca de descarga suave, a fin de reducir la sobrecarga de tasa de accidente; Hacer el mantenimiento y comprobar trituradora de cono en intervalos regulares.

Atención a los detalles de funcionamiento de los Pequeños trituradora de mandíbula

Trituradora de mandíbula, también conocido como disyuntor de mandíbula o interruptores de la mandíbula, cumple con el proceso de trituración mediante la simulación del movimiento de las dos mordazas de un animal. La máquina trituradora de mandíbula se utiliza principalmente para la trituración principalmente las materias primas, por lo que también se llama trituradora de mandíbulas primaria o planta de trituracion de agregados. Trituradora de mandíbula pequeña o trituradora de mandíbula mini, como nuevos equipos tipo trituradora, es ampliamente utilizado en todo tipo de minerales y el tamaño medio de grandes materiales 'de chancadores de impacto en la minería, fundición, materiales, carreteras, ferrocarriles, obras hidráulicas, industria química, etc. construcción

Máxima resistencia a la compresión del material triturado es 320 MPa. En el proceso de trituración de operación, además de la búsqueda de alto rendimiento y alta eficiencia, se debe prestar más atención a los detalles de la operación de la trituradora de mandíbula pequeña, equipos de trituracion y molienda al mismo tiempo. Los siguientes son algunos puntos de atención:

1, sin carga empezar: después de comenzar la trituradora de mandíbula pequeña, si hay tapping anormal, los operadores deben detener la máquina para identificar y eliminar los males, y luego reiniciar la máquina. Después de iniciar un cierto tiempo, el funcionamiento es normal, trituradora de piedra y los operadores pueden iniciar los equipos de alimentación.

2, prestar atención a la lubricación y temperatura: en el proceso de ejecución, los operadores a menudo deben prestar atención a si la lubricación es normal en todos los puntos de lubricación. Preste atención a la temperatura del cojinete, especialmente la temperatura de los cojinetes del eje excéntrico no está permitido sobrepasar 600 ℃.

3, alimentando problema de bloqueo boca: en funcionamiento, los operadores también deben prestar atención a si los grandes bloques de mineral atrapados boca de alimentación de la trituradora, si pegan, los operadores pueden utilizar el gancho para voltear el mineral y hacerlo salir.

4, prestar atención a la alimentación uniforme: en la operación, el mineral no se le permite llenar completa de la cavidad de trituración, y prevenir la excavadora, broca y otros materiales no trituradas entran en la trituradora.

Atención a los detalles de funcionamiento de los Pequeños trituradora de mandíbula

Trituradora de mandíbula, también conocido como disyuntor de mandíbula o interruptores de la mandíbula, cumple con el proceso de trituración mediante la simulación del movimiento de las dos mordazas de un animal. La máquina trituradora de mandíbula se utiliza principalmente para la trituración principalmente las materias primas, por lo que también se llama trituradora de mandíbulas primaria o planta de trituracion de agregados. Trituradora de mandíbula pequeña o trituradora de mandíbula mini, como nuevos equipos tipo trituradora, es ampliamente utilizado en todo tipo de minerales y el tamaño medio de grandes materiales 'de chancadores de impacto en la minería, fundición, materiales, carreteras, ferrocarriles, obras hidráulicas, industria química, etc. construcción

Máxima resistencia a la compresión del material triturado es 320 MPa. En el proceso de trituración de operación, además de la búsqueda de alto rendimiento y alta eficiencia, se debe prestar más atención a los detalles de la operación de la trituradora de mandíbula pequeña, equipos de trituracion y molienda al mismo tiempo. Los siguientes son algunos puntos de atención:

1, sin carga empezar: después de comenzar la trituradora de mandíbula pequeña, si hay tapping anormal, los operadores deben detener la máquina para identificar y eliminar los males, y luego reiniciar la máquina. Después de iniciar un cierto tiempo, el funcionamiento es normal, trituradora de piedra y los operadores pueden iniciar los equipos de alimentación.

2, prestar atención a la lubricación y temperatura: en el proceso de ejecución, los operadores a menudo deben prestar atención a si la lubricación es normal en todos los puntos de lubricación. Preste atención a la temperatura del cojinete, especialmente la temperatura de los cojinetes del eje excéntrico no está permitido sobrepasar 600 ℃.

3, alimentando problema de bloqueo boca: en funcionamiento, los operadores también deben prestar atención a si los grandes bloques de mineral atrapados boca de alimentación de la trituradora, si pegan, los operadores pueden utilizar el gancho para voltear el mineral y hacerlo salir.

4, prestar atención a la alimentación uniforme: en la operación, el mineral no se le permite llenar completa de la cavidad de trituración, y prevenir la excavadora, broca y otros materiales no trituradas entran en la trituradora.


Comment faire de la maintenance pour concasseur à mâchoires de concassage

Concasseur à mâchoires est la plus étendue concasseur demande de pierre dans les mines de concassage, comment garantir concasseur à mâchoires en bon état de fonctionnement? Ingénieurs de machines Joyal minière résument règlement de fonctionnement du concasseur à mâchoires, Concasseur à mâchoires devrait être bon fonctionnement et nécessaire de réparation planifiée régulière, qui comprend chèque de protection commune , des réparations mineures, réparation et révision.

Les trois étapes suivantes sont les concasseur à mâchoires de réparation détaillée:
1, réparations mineures: il location de concasseur mobile comprend l'inspection de concasseur à mâchoires et l'ajustement, régler l'écart de la bouche de décharge, tourner usure tête de plaque ou remplacer. Superviser une certaine transmission de maintenance, système de lubrification et de remplacer l'huile de lubrification et prix de concasseur ainsi de suite. Le cycle de réparation mineure est d'environ 1-3 mois ou plus.

2, les réparations moyennes: concasseur de mais Outre les toutes les affectations à des réparations mineures, il comprend également le remplacement de la plaque de poussée et plaque de revêtement, vérifier et coussinet correct, etc. L'intervalle est généralement de 1 à 2 ans ou plus.

3, Overhaul: Outre tous concassage de pierre les travaux mentionnés ci-dessus, il comprend également le remplacement de l'arbre excentrique et la mâchoire mobile mandrin, jeté Babbitt mentale de la tête de tige, remplacer ou modifier les pièces d'usure. Intervalle de révision est habituellement de 5 ans ou plus.

Concasseur à cône hydraulique est beaucoup mieux que les autres

La concurrence dans l'industrie minière est féroce, Shanghai Joyal peut résister à la pression en raison de la haute qualité et haute performance des produits, dans lequel la machine de fabrication de sable est un bon exemple. Joyal Concasseur de pierre ont différence dans la structure et la performance; ils sont chaleureusement accueillis par les clients quand ils entrent dans le marché. Concasseurs Joyal avec qualité-prix et l'honnêteté, beaucoup d'entre eux sont appliqués dans nos projets nationaux. Concasseur à cône hydraulique produite par Joyal Machinery a beaucoup plus d'avantages que le printemps Concasseur et générale Concasseur à cône. Shanghai Joyal est un professionnel de la fabrication de nombreux équipements de concassage et de criblage. Joyal possède beaucoup d'experts professionnels et une forte capacité de développement de la recherche. Nous allons voir groupe mobile de concassage les avantages de sable faisant des machines comme suivants: 1. la machine de fabrication de sable a garantie internationale de qualité; La dernière technologie de l'Allemagne, la technologie de pointe et de la technologie automobile de rivetage apparence d'applications sablage et la peinture technique, concasseur de minerai d'améliorer grandement la qualité inhérente de sable faisant la machine. 2. la machine de fabrication de concasseur a vendre sable a peu de bruit et de la pollution, qui est la protection de l'environnement. 3 la machine de fabrication de sable est avec dispositif hydraulique, qui permet d'économiser le temps d'arrêt. 4 inspection automatique, sûre et fiable. Si il se passe quelque chose d'inhabituel, l'appareil arrête. 5. Faible consommation de sable faisant la machine réduit directement le coût. 6. Beaux-forme des produits finaux: le produit est cube, il a la bonne forme des grains et peut également ajuster module de finesse; il est particulièrement approprié pour le sable artificiel et le façonnage de la pierre.


Ball Mill Machine Consists of a Hollow Cylindrical Shell

A ball mill machine consists of a hollow cylindrical shell rotating about its axis. The axis of the shell may be either horizontal or at a small angle to the horizontal. It is partially crawler type mobile crusher filled with balls. The grinding media is the balls, which may be made of steel (chrome steel), stainless steel or rubber. The inner surface of the cylindrical shell is usually lined with an abrasion-resistant material such as manganese steel or rubber. Less wear takes place in rubber lined mills.

The length of the mill is approximately equal to its diameter. With effective surface area of steel balls to measure the rationality of the steel ball ratio. A warehouse in effective surface area of steel balls should achieve every ton of steel balls 9.5-10.5 m2. For with the roller press of closed circuit ball mill equipment, this value can be adjusted for 12 m2/t, and the liner plate is continuous ascension type. The balls in the specific surface area should be 35-38 m2/t, belt roller pressure unit calcite crusher for 38-40 m2/t. The ratio of specific various balls diameter still according to the maximum stacking density calculation.

Throughout our nine decades in the business of providing our customers with quality products, we have micro powder mill developed methods and techniques of ensuring that what we produce is of the highest quality, and that our customers can carry on with their work, using our products. One way we have done this is our continual, working relationships with universities and research centers; this allows us to stay within the world of research, the world of cutting edge development. Several small capacity runs are much better than one long run with your barrel packed to capacity with the material you want to powder. The more media you use, the faster the material will be powdered. However, using more media will reduce the capacity of your mill.

The using range of impact crusher machine

The using range of impact crusher machine: can handle the side length of not more than 500mm, not more than 350MPa compressive strength of various coarse, medium and fine materials (granite, limestone, concrete, etc.), widely used in electricity, water, highway, artificial aggregate crushing and other industries.
Crusher's features: unique structure, keyless connection, high chrome hammer, unique back liner; hard rock crushing, energy efficient; cubic shape, adjustable discharge particle size, simplified crushing process.
Crusher working principle: work, driven by the motor, the high-speed rotation of the rotor, after the material into, and the impact on the rotor hammer crusher supply, and then back onto the liner is broken again, and finally discharged from the discharge port . Concentrator or gravel plant used in the production of most is the jaw crusher. Compared with other crusher machine, with low cost and high efficiency.
Preparation before impact crusher starting : 1. the funnel is blocked, if one side to the ore. 2. the motor load, temperature, sound condition. 3. whether the request has cavities friction appearance (especially movable jaw shaft parts). 4. the thrust plate and support mobile impact crushing plant co-operation between the seat cushion is normal, if the tilt and shift string. 5. ministries bearing temperature should not exceed 50-60 degrees. 6. oil creamy points each case, whether or not appropriate. 7. oil pump, oil ring is functioning properly, the tubing is blocked. 8. the operation (sensation and sound) is normal. 9. ministries screw fastening is off. 10. the spring tension situation is normal.
According to China's resources, the eccentric shaft large jaw crusher machine to manganese, molybdenum, vanadium, manganese, boron and molybdenum chrome molybdenum alloy steel is more appropriate. Small jaw crusher for sale is used 45 steel. Eccentric shaft should be quenched or normalizing heat treatment to improve the strength and wear resistance. Spindle generally use 45 steel.

Cement Ball Mill Adopts Original Hydraulic Open Device

At the Joyal time, the new system cement rod mill adopts Japanese original hydraulic open device, crushing principle and bearing all imported products, provides a reliable guarantee for the overall upgrade equipment. This series of cement rod mill machine is mainly micro powder mill composed of the parts: the feed hopper, vortex crushing cavity, an impeller 5 spindle assembly, chassis, transmission device, lubricating system, all components are the perfect combination, for cement rod mill machine of high performance, provides the foundation of efficient work.

At present, the construction of a ultrafine mill stone, according to the characteristics of each gold mass production of gold making machine. Mechanism of gold in the construction industry was the most widely used raw material, is a gold after blasting, the gold making machine, crusher, gold making equipment and screening through gold washing machine equipment output gold product and become, its strength is superior to natural sand. Shanghai Joyal production PCL series gold ore mining equipment is combined with mechanism gold blasting equipment market customer feedback situation, crawler type mobile crusher structure and working mode of the main parts of the equipment are adjusted design: optimization of deep cavity of the rotor, turning adjusting type protective plate, composite hammer, dual-purpose powder tray, diamond grade block, guarantee the stability of the equipment operating in a safe and efficient level.

At the Joyal time, a simple understanding of new cement rolling mill china internal structure, know the work principle mechanism gold blasting equipment equipment can help you better, so that appropriate and correct maintenance and maintenance, the longer service life of its efficient work. Shanghai Joyal designed system cement rod mill machine production, is currently the world's most advanced technology in one, is the quality of platinum mine machine products a high efficiency, high reliability.


What are Three technical features of jaw crusher and cone crusher in granite crushing plant

In the last decades, jaw crusher machine and cone crusher supply have been greatly improved along with advanced technology, which has increasing demands in the fields of construction and mining industries. Joyal Company design granite crushing plant with jaw crusher, cone crusher, belt conveyor, vibrating feeder and vibrating screen. This optimized scheme can be successfully applied for crushing limestone, basalt, granite, pebbles and other hard rocks and ores, The crushed aggregate in granite crushing plant is extensively used for highway, railway, water conservancy, concrete mixing station.

However the crusher spare parts cost is expensive in granite crushing plant, What are jaw crusher and cone crusher wear parts in granite crushing plant? Joyal Company brief introduce the jaw crusher and cone crusher wear parts in granite crushing plant. Jaw crusher wearing parts mainly refer to movable jaw and side plate , Cone crusher wearing parts are mantle and bowel liner. If we can find the durable wearing parts for jaw crusher and cone crusher, the production cost will be greatly reduced in granite crushing plant.

The following aspects are technical features of jaw crusher and cone crusher in granite crushing plant:
1, Crusher wearing parts adopt the latest wear-resistant materials, durable service life and convenientequipment maintenance.
2, Jaw crusher do the primary crushing process, and cone crusher is used for medium and fine crushing process. We can make full use of different stone crusher features.
3, High automation degree , large crushing capacity, high production efficiency,good grain shape.

Hammer crusher with simple structure and high crushing ratio

Brief introduction:
Joyal Group carefully designed the hammer crusher machine on the basic of absorbing advanced technology from home and abroad, which directly make the maximum particle size of 600mm-1800mm material crushed to less than 25mm, broken compressive strength less than 200 MPa and calcium content higher than 40 % of a variety of medium hardness and brittle materials, such as limestone, coal, salt, white sub, gypsum, alum, brick, tile, coal and so on. Also used for crushing fiber structure, strong flexibility and toughness of broken wood, paper or broken asbestos cement waste to recycle asbestos fibers and so on. Hammer crusher machine advanced performance, stable and reliable, and often used in cement, gravel, coal, building materials, chemicals, electric power, metallurgy, road construction and fertilizer industries.

Buy note:
1.Note that the strength of the hammer crusher supply housing, When crushed material, Since the fragmentation of materials, hardness, and the hammer in the fight against material impact will cause some pressure on the chassis. So hammer crusher shell must have certain strength, so that its life will be longer.
2.Hammer crusher crushing ratio is generally greater, which can reduce consumption, save costs and improve productivity.
3.A molding, no secondary crushing. Hammer crusher for sale can generally be reduced by 35% of the cost.
4.Can crushing wet material. Hammer crusher can be used normally in the rain, in addition, when crushing materials can add water to reduce dust pollution and heat damage to the environment for workers.
5.Pay particular attention to what material is made of the hammerhead, if it is not wear and impact-resistant material, will greatly increase the cost of the user to replace the hammerhead, will also affect the size and efficiency of the material.
6.Note that the selected feed size of hammer crusher and its production capacity, according to their demand for the material to choose hammer crusher, some manufacturers will develop mobile impact crushing plant a reasonable plan for you according to your situation.
7.When buying, you should pay attention to adjust belt, making it an appropriate degree. Machine installation should be leveling; error should be within the scope of the spindle at a predetermined level.
8.Pay special attention to the crawler type mobile crusher after purchase, whether it is running or when servicing, should pay attention to safety, turn off the power before servicing, when the machine is running, workers should keep a safe distance from the machine.


How much does it cost to build a small stone crushing plant

Started a lot of roads, bridges, municipal engineering, urban demolition and renovation and other construction projects, making the demand for stone was gradually increasing trend, driven by a large number of the corresponding crusher manufacturers established, all manufacturers in technology research and development, production and sales and not a small difference in the service, select a good credit reputation and strength of the manufacturers to buy excellent quality crusher equipment, to use it with more confidence.
Kind of crusher is better? Gravel crusher machine is also called, depending on the working principle and application, mainly jaw crusher, impact crusher for sale, cone crusher and mobile crusher plant, crusher application of different types have when crushing materials different, jaw crusher machine is mainly used for primary crushing chunks of stone were due to the large feed opening, simple structure has been widely used; crusher and cone crusher supply is mainly used in secondary and tertiary stone broken, to ensure good grain type of stone, and the cone crusher due to advanced technology, high wear resistance characteristics of wearing parts, such as the broken granite, iron ore and other hard rock when other devices incomparable advantage.
Build a small gravel plant cost? Gravel plant is relatively hot investment projects, mainly infrastructure projects consumption and demand for stones are large, strong market demand, while producing hundreds of tons of stone production line to produce several thousand when tons of sand and gravel from the past production lines, in many parts of the country are developing rapidly. Build a small gravel plant, how much money, which accounted for a large part of investment in equipment, reasonable and efficient production plan and then with the advanced quality stone crusher in order to provide protection material production, a good stone crusher price is the whole production line the key, the choice must be careful.
Domestic production of complete sets of gravel sand production line machinery and equipment manufacturers, and many, especially in Shanghai, Shanghai, gravel machinery and equipment manufacturers to gather. However, if the purchase sand and gravel production line equipment, then, one can look for turnkey construction of the factory, it is best to sand production line of its construction site visit.

How should we choose a stone crusher

Our large and small stone crusher mining machinery manufacturers have tens of thousands of Shanghai as China's largest production base of mining machinery, mining machinery concentrated with thousands of stone crusher, crawler type mobile crusher, complete sets of equipment, such as washing and screening manufacturers, how to buy good quality, affordable crusher, service good stone crusher mining machinery, complete sets of crushers and screening production line has become an important issue facing manufacturers quarry!
How to choose the crusher? In general, traditional stone crushing needs, broken and fragmented, according to size and finished stone feed size selection for the broken machine. Common stone crushing machines are jaw crusher and counterattack crusher, stone crushing, mobile impact crushing plant you can add cone crusher, sand and gravel aggregate gravel highway shaping, you can choose Sand, for limestone, granite , marble, basalt, iron ore, river gravel, shale, etc. bluestone stone crushing and sand.
Uses crusher so wide so great, then a price of a impact crusher supplier how much? Whether it is within the scope of what we can afford? According to the market and the price crusher product quality, product calcite crusher type, crusher is not particularly fixed. Because each product has different series and types, the choice of materials also vary for each product and all the different, and therefore the price to compare to confirm according to their needs.
Crusher manufacturers choose is very important, first look at the strength of manufacturers, reputation kaolin crusher and scale; secondly manufacturers depend on product quality, technical level, level of maturity; again to examine the manufacturer's customer production site, the user site is the most persuasive force. Finally, be sure to shop around carefully inspected and selected carefully. Heavy Joyal believe is your best choice.