
Precautions for Storage of Spring Cone Crusher in Winter

Winter approaching, the summer is about to leave, shanghai joyal mining machinery here to remind the user to keep warm, of course, for the crusher of this large-scale mining machinery and equipment for the same need to pay attention to crusher maintenance operations also need to be changed , shanghai joyal mining machinery to spring cone crusher, for example, and we talk about the maintenance of winter crusher matters.

The spring cone crusher is a special crusher used in crushing and processing of ore. The spring cone crusher can be used for the crushing and processing of limestone and dolomite. The crushing process is often used in industry, construction industry and metallurgy industry. Spring cone crusher with spring protection device can ensure that the spring cone crusher from non-broken material damage, and spring cone crusher service life is relatively long. Then the winter spring cone crusher in use need to pay attention to what matters?

Spring conical crusher in winter parking period, should be parked in a dry room, in order to prevent the spring cone crusher surface paint layer off the spring cone crusher rust, the need to re-paint the machine.

After the cone crusher is parked, the user needs to cover the crusher machine with the cover cloth to prevent the machine from being placed in the machine for a long time. The users also need to pay attention to restrain the fuel tank rust of the spring cone crusher.


Replacement Skill of Lashing Plate of Impact Crusher

Impact crusher is an early research and development of a crusher mechanical equipment, impact crusher stone with stone and stone crushing two different crushing chamber, stone stone is mainly used for impact crusher crushing hard ore materials operations, and Stone blacksmith can be used in the hard material crushing processing operations. So the impact crusher can be used for a variety of different ore crushing processing operations, where Haizhuo Ya mining machinery and we talk about the impact crusher in the use of how to replace the impact crusher wearing parts, that is, Impact crusher lining board.

Impact crusher can be used for a certain degree of hardness of the ore crushing processing operations, the same reaction force on the impact crusher also caused some wear, especially impact crusher liner. Impact crusher lining is mainly used for crushing of rock processing, so the liner is easy to wear impact crusher parts. We should note that when the impact crusher liner wear two-thirds of the thickness of the need to impact crusher liner replacement.

Replacement of impact crusher liner, the first need to remove the old impact crusher liner, if the old liner is not easy to remove, the user can use gas welding cutting, and clean the surface.

When you need to replace the impact crusher tapered bushing, the user need to pay attention to the cutting process, to avoid injury to other parts. First install the impact crusher nut, and then orderly casting zinc alloy, and then casting.


Fault may occur when operating large jaw crusher

Crusher is designed to crush ore and other materials, machinery and equipment, along with increasing demand for sand and gravel aggregate crusher ore production also increases aggregate crusher future trends is large, in order to produce more gravel aggregate, crusher size increasing. Of course, for large-scale crushing machine, routine maintenance is difficult to achieve full point, so large crusher during operation due to improper maintenance cause some failure. Shanghai JOYAL mining machinery with a large jaw crusher as an example and we talk about large jaw crusher in the course of which faults frequently encountered problems.

Reason large jaw crusher bearings occur when using the phenomenon of heat, this phenomenon generally, crusher bearing short of oil or damage into dust. Large jaw crusher bearing fever is not easy to exclude the time will cause a large bearing locking jaw crusher, jaw crusher so that does not work properly.

Large jaw crusher users need to look closely at the job, whether large jaw crusher metal crash sound will be issued, if the user can not tolerate the sound of this issue, this phenomenon described a large jaw crusher liner or impeller and other wearing parts no good cause shedding phenomenon installation.

If it is a large jaw crusher production of stone size is too big a problem, it may be a jaw crusher belt is too loose, requiring users to timely tightening belt.


Spiral sand washing machine is a sand quality assurance

In recent years, China's economic development is excellent, the sudden emergence of the construction industry, large-scale construction projects have gradually started construction. These large construction needs as bedding sand and gravel aggregate, in recent years, demand for high-quality sand and gravel aggregate is also growing. Improve the quality of the sand and gravel aggregate production line in the sand requires mining machinery equipment performance continues to improve, spiral sand washing machine is a machine for cleaning the sand and gravel production line in the sand and gravel aggregate, sand and gravel production line is the entire finished product quality assurance .

shanghai JOYAL is a professional mining machinery sand washing machine manufacturer, the use of relatively high frequency spiral sand washing machine in which Li Zhuoya and introduce the next gravel production line. Spiral sand washing machine main role is to clean dirt, dust and other impurities contained in sand and gravel, mainly used to improve the role of the whole sand production line is a high-quality sand and gravel production line necessary for a mining machinery.

Spiral sand washing machine as sand and gravel production line machinery and equipment for cleaning materials ore, sand and gravel can be in the possession of some dirt, dust and other impurities removed while adhering to destroy the gravel surface of the vapor layer so as to achieve dehydrating effect. Spiral sand washing machine is a sand and gravel production line to ensure the quality of the main gravel mining machinery and equipment, sand and gravel in the whole production line has an important significance.


Necessity roll crusher wear resistance

Ore crusher for the development of China's construction industry, road construction has made great help, crusher machinery and equipment for crushing various rocks, rock crushing while ore crusher has also been a reaction force from the rock . So the crusher, the crusher parts using relatively strong material can extend the life of the crusher, mining machinery shanghai joyal today to roll crusher as an example and we talk about crusher wear resistance necessity.

Roll crusher is often used for crushing a rock crusher machinery and equipment, often dealing roll crusher and hard rock, if not very good wear resistance of the material, roll crusher maintenance will very frequent.
JOYAL of the use of the core roll crusher wear parts higher high manganese steel, broken rational selection panel effectively extend the service life of crusher for customers to save a lot of maintenance funds.

Also a lot of broken grain size users have different requirements, so the JOYAL on the roll crusher setting adjustment means when dealing with two different particle sizes around the material, no need to replace equipment, as long as the means to adjust the particle size. This user-friendly settings, saving the user the need to replace the need for another roll crusher.


european type hammer crusher to replace the Screen of the correct way

With the advent of the era of science and technology, goods will be able to arm themselves with, and the combination of high-tech products to better adapt to the development of today's society, but also more in line with the needs of customers. Science and technology are used in a variety of commodity production, in order to win a lot of manufacturers in the fierce competition in the introduction of foreign advanced production technology, the  european type hammer crusher is a good example.

European type hammer crusher is suitable for crushing various materials ore processing operations, sand and gravel production line is a key exists, the  european type hammer crusher crushing shanghai joyal mining machinery than large, uniform particle size, machine automation a high degree of ore crushing equipment is ideal. Here shanghai joyal mining machinery had to remind the user the  european type hammer crusher screen strip needs to be replaced after damage.

Replacing the  european type hammer crusher correct way to screen bars the following main points:
(1) When replacing the  european type hammer crusher screen bars, you need to open the european type hammer crusher activities cover and remove the compacted plate, then remove the european type hammer crusher screen bars.

(2) periodic inspection  european type hammer crusher screen strip for wear, if found to have wear problems should be promptly replaced.


Beneficiation artifact ---- spiral classifier

Sand production line infrastructure construction industry, roads, etc. to provide a steady stream of sand and gravel aggregate, sand and gravel production line is a complex project had a lot of complicated processes, such as rock crushing, sorting rock, rock cleaning processes these process interlocking indispensable. Shanghai mining machinery here focuses on the rock under the sorting process, you must use the spiral classifier.

Beneficiation spiral classifier is used must have "artifacts", spiral classifier has a simple structure, easy to operate, and other advantages, used in conjunction with the general and form a closed ball mill beneficiation. Job strength spiral classifier large, heavy workload so that these spiral classifier when the job will be damage of some parts, some simple and easily damaged parts and we talk about here on the spiral classifier hope Hai Zhuoya mining machinery we can pay attention to the next.

(1)The main reason off the screw shaft problem grader, spiral classifier appears broken shaft of a big job strength spiral classifier, bearing quality standards, as a result of improper installation of spiral classifier bearing problems.

(2) spiral classifier spiral leaf bending, spiral classifier leaves are key components of a problem if the spiral leaves a great impact on the grading opportunities. Leaf spiral bending phenomenon occurs mainly because of excessive sand back and return sand slot blocked or activated, return sand which causes excessive leaf spiral classifier large load caused by bending.


hammer crusher indicator represents the Information

Hammer crusher is for crushing ore and other materials processing machinery key crusher, hammer crusher can be used in a variety of ore crushing of materials processing operations, such as crushing and processing dolomite, limestone and other mineral materials. Hammer crusher can be used for sand production line, sand production line is an important part can not be missing on Haizhuo Ya is a professional mining machinery crusher manufacturer, where the Hai Zhuoya mining machinery to remind the user the correct operation of the hammer crusher is critical.

 Hammer crusher for sealing, but also efficient and energy-saving crushing ratio is an ideal crusher machinery and equipment, safety hammer crusher, hammer crusher so that stability has crusher machinery industry a large number of users. Hammer crusher is its high-quality clearance, hammer crusher here and we talk about hammer crusher which use precautions.

Hammer crusher in use when the user needs to pay attention to the state of hammer crusher, hammer crusher especially LED status display switches. When the red light hammer crusher, indicating hammer crusher is energized, crushing process can prepare jobs.

When the hammer crusher both red and green lights are on, indicating hammer crusher can normal operation, when the hammer crusher when the light turns off, indicating that the hammer crusher has been in power status can be the end of the job.


HCC series hydraulic cone crusher is ideal for rock crushing machine

HCC series hydraulic cone crusher is the introduction of the latest German technology and the development of high-efficiency, low-power crusher machinery and equipment with the world advanced level, as a new crusher machinery and equipment, HCC series hydraulic cone crusher not only inherits the original advantage cone crusher and a good solution to the shortcomings of the original cone crusher. Here shanghai joyal mining machinery with our in-depth understanding of this new crusher equipment.

HCC series hydraulic cone crusher can crush the processing of various minerals, from limestone to basalt, these properties are very different ore material can be used HCC series hydraulic cone crusher crushing processing operations, rock crushing and processing time HCC series hydraulic cone crusher than the average damage crusher to be much smaller.

HCC series hydraulic cone crusher is worthy of the trust of customers in a crusher machinery, mining machinery and shanghai joyal here we talk about matters HCC series hydraulic cone crusher in operation need to pay attention on what.

(1)Require careful and comprehensive examination of all the machine parts before HCC series hydraulic cone crusher start.

(2) HCC series hydraulic cone crusher for crushing various materials need to choose the right crushing cavity, but also to give attention to the material evenly.


What is the flotation machine

With the development of economy, industry, metallurgical industry and other industries led the development of forms of mining machinery, mining machinery crusher, conveyors, mill, sand making machine and so become an important mining machinery sales hot in here shanghai joyal mining machinery as a professional mining machinery manufacturer here and we focus on the next important member of the mining machinery --- flotation machine.

Important mining machinery flotation machine is mainly used for the role of the material sorting, we all know the general natural ore containing impurities, more users need to pick out the materials, sand and gravel flotation machine for the entire production line is very important, shanghai joyal mining machinery ZSF series flotation machine, ZJJF series flotation machine flotation machine and ZXJK series can be very good to complete the sorting of materials. Flotation machine is a large mining machinery is composed of many different parts composed, although a variety of different roles flotation machine, but can not be missing is a flotation cell which is an important component.

Flotation machine driven by the motor belt flotation machine impeller rotation, on the one hand inhalation of sufficient air is mixed with the slurry, while stirring the pulp mixed with the drug, so that mineral adhesive foam on top, float to the surface and then form slurry bubble mineralization . This is the flotation method flotation machine in the whole flotation process flotation cell flotation machine play a big role, flotation cell flotation machine has a good role in isolation.


Hammer crusher before commissioning Caution

Hammer crusher is the crusher industry, we are more familiar with a crusher equipment, rock crushing and processing operations in the hammer crusher unequivocally, is widely favored by manufacturers of aggregate a crusher equipment. Hammer crusher crushing rock at high speed through a crushing blow with a hammer rotor material, we all know that for such a large hammer crusher mining machinery in the new test can be used for the purchase of needed sand and gravel production line .

Shanghai Joyal is a professional mining machinery manufacturer crusher, hammer crusher is one of the hot spots on the Hai Zhuoya mining machinery sales, hammer crusher, after the acquisition of the mining machinery Hai Zhuoya will send engineers to help users test job. Here on Hai Zhuoya mining machinery simple and we talk about when the test hammer crusher needs attention points.

Hammer crusher before the test to check whether there is enough oil in the bearing hammer crusher; hammer crusher motor needs to be installed and hammer crusher discharge opening into the opposite direction for the benefit; in hammer former crusher installation requires selected terrain.

Before hammer crusher test also need to check for the presence of foreign matter in the hammer crusher machine, such as unbreakable metal and the like; the user manually rotating the rotor, to see whether it is normal, with or without friction phenomenon, can be carried out after the test to determine the correct operation.


Cojinete principal correcta reparación trituradora de mandíbula método

trituradora de mandíbula se utiliza para la piedra gruesa roto maquinaria minera clave, estructura de la máquina trituradora de mandíbula es simple, fácil de operar, relativamente grande proporción de trituración es ideal para todo el mundo romper la roca mecánica. Y en general en comparación con las características principales de la trituradora de la trituradora de mandíbula trituradora de mandíbula es capaz de aplastar el procesamiento de mineral de material relativamente duro, pero también a causa de esta trituradora de mandíbula característica también sufrió graves daños a la media de trituración confidencial , especialmente la mandíbula trituradora de cojinete principal, donde el tema de la maquinaria minera Haizhuo Ya enfoque y nos hablan de la trituradora de mandíbula de apoyo principal de reparación de reemplazo.

 Trituradora de mandíbula debido a la intensidad del trabajo que es por lo que el daño es relativamente grande no pequeñas, especialmente los cojinetes trituradora de mandíbulas primaria, daños en los rodamientos después de que el principal usuario necesita reemplazo oportuno de mantenimiento, la mandíbula trituradora de cojinete principal el mantenimiento adecuado el método es principalmente lo que?

Trituradora de mandíbula husillo y teniendo tanto uniforme y estrecho contacto con, sino también un cierto juego de ajuste, que es una trituradora de mandíbulas para reemplazar el husillo necesita para hacer las cosas, la eliminación de la mandíbula cojinete principal trituradora de primera necesidad de eliminar la trituradora de mandíbulas máquina de teja vieja, la eliminación de los azulejos antiguos cuando debemos prestar atención para medir el espesor de la junta de edad articulaciones casquillo, nivelación husillo y suavidad, etc., para obtener información precisa, la trituradora de mandíbulas oleoducto Bush y limpiar después de lubricante conjunto de cojinete principal, cojinete de biela y así sucesivamente.