
Hammer crusher before commissioning Caution

Hammer crusher is the crusher industry, we are more familiar with a crusher equipment, rock crushing and processing operations in the hammer crusher unequivocally, is widely favored by manufacturers of aggregate a crusher equipment. Hammer crusher crushing rock at high speed through a crushing blow with a hammer rotor material, we all know that for such a large hammer crusher mining machinery in the new test can be used for the purchase of needed sand and gravel production line .

Shanghai Joyal is a professional mining machinery manufacturer crusher, hammer crusher is one of the hot spots on the Hai Zhuoya mining machinery sales, hammer crusher, after the acquisition of the mining machinery Hai Zhuoya will send engineers to help users test job. Here on Hai Zhuoya mining machinery simple and we talk about when the test hammer crusher needs attention points.

Hammer crusher before the test to check whether there is enough oil in the bearing hammer crusher; hammer crusher motor needs to be installed and hammer crusher discharge opening into the opposite direction for the benefit; in hammer former crusher installation requires selected terrain.

Before hammer crusher test also need to check for the presence of foreign matter in the hammer crusher machine, such as unbreakable metal and the like; the user manually rotating the rotor, to see whether it is normal, with or without friction phenomenon, can be carried out after the test to determine the correct operation.

