
How to deal with jaw crusher easy to wear problems

Crusher is a broken rock and other materials dedicated mining machinery and equipment, crusher broken large, hard ore for the ore we need raw materials. We are more familiar with the crusher is a jaw crusher, because in the crusher machinery and equipment, jaw crusher for the longest time, a wide range of applications.

Jaw crusher in the gravel production line has played a key role, jaw crusher is gravel production line for the first level of broken play. We can not ignore the jaw crusher crushing rock at the same time, the reaction force from the rock jaw crusher wear and tear consumption is not small. How to deal with jaw crusher wear and tear problem? Shanghai Zhuo Ya mining machinery here for you to make a few suggestions.

Jaw crusher jaw crusher if the jaw plate and the machine surface contact is not smooth, resulting in eccentric shaft speed too fast, resulting in the material has been broken too late to exclude, resulting in jaw crusher crushing cavity blockage, resulting in jaw Crusher. Of course, jaw crusher parts of the material itself is not wear-resistant jaw crusher can also lead to the phenomenon of wear and tear.

Users in the use of jaw crusher, jaw crusher jaw plate and the machine can be a good plastic surface between the pad material; jaw and other heavy parts of the selection to use better wear resistance Some materials.

