
Cause of Eccentric Shaft Instability in Cone Crusher

Cone Crusher is a kind of ore crushing machinery used in the crushing of ore production line in gravel production line. As a large-scale mine machinery equipment for ore crushing, the cone crusher is composed of many important parts. Including the eccentric shaft of the cone crusher.


Recently, customers and the Shanghai joyal mining machinery consulting cone crusher, here joyal talk about the cone crusher is very important for eccentric shaft, cone crusher eccentric shaft running instability of the reasons .

Cone Crusher eccentric shaft is eccentric shaft, gear, eccentric bushing and eccentric gears and other key components, cone crusher eccentric shaft running instability and these parts have a great relationship, Sub-simple and we talk about the eccentric shaft instability caused by cone crusher related factors.

Cone crusher bushing quality is not good, can not meet the requirements of the cone crusher bushing often change, due to the liner and the lower frame and the eccentric shaft of the strict installation requirements, if the cone crusher bushing improper installation will Resulting in instability of the eccentric shaft cone crusher phenomenon.

