
What are the commonly used stone crushing equipment?

Stone, also known as stone, broken and other processing can be in the construction, sculpture and other industries have a greater use value, then what is the stone crushing equipment, they are in the processing of stone which are the advantages of this small series for the user Made the following description.
Stone crushing equipment

1, jaw crusher

Jaw crusher is an important stone processing equipment, stone can be in the range of 10mm-400mm to adjust the equipment in the operation of the outstanding advantages shown:

(1) crushing chamber deeper, in the unit time can handle a greater amount of stone, improve the efficiency of the equipment crushing, increasing the production of equipment.

(2) special flywheel design, improve the stability of the equipment in the operation, so that equipment in the operation more durable.

(3) after processing the stone particles uniform, needle-like content is low, to avoid the dust on the operating environment of pollution, reducing the production of the operator's health hazards.

2, cone crusher

Cone crusher is a energy-saving, efficient crushing equipment, which can effectively improve the user's profit in the production, cone crusher What are the advantages:

(1) the use of laminated crushing principle, the different size of the stone can be selectively broken, improve the efficiency of the equipment crushing.

(2) the use of hydraulic chamber system, can quickly remove the debris within the crushing chamber, greatly reducing the equipment in the operation of the downtime.

(3) equipped with iron protection device and automatic control system, the equipment can not be broken foreign body through the crushing chamber, to achieve automatic protection of equipment to extend the service life of equipment.

3, Impact crusher

Impact crusher can be crushed after the stone in the crushing, in the production and processing of materials, the equipment has the performance characteristics are:

(1) According to the actual needs of users, equipment can be adjusted to the outlet, thereby improving the efficiency of the equipment crushing.

(2) for the equipment of the wearing parts, the use of high wear resistance, strong resistance to the manufacture of materials, so that equipment in the operation more durable, reduce the user's equipment maintenance costs.

(3) can be hard, large block of material for a good broken, and the finished product was cube-like, no tension and cracks.

